Elizabeth is a new FS member and we are so glad to have her! We love the bright colors and the journaling on her layout along with the way she has incorporated her photos here! Great job and way to go!
Layout description from Elizabeth is:
This challenge was a fun one for me! I enjoyed it because I love hearing from God because to me it means I am being obedient in him. It means he has something for me and isn't finished with me yet and his will shall be done in my life.To find out more about Elizabeth, check out her introduction in our forum, see more of her layouts in our gallery!
I am a boat jumper, eager to do God's will. He speaks to me through visions, dreams, and most of all the audible voice inside. My problem is never hearing God, because he is always speaking to me. My problem is waiting for the right timing to do his will!
That is what this topic was about for me. Hearing his voice but waiting for him just like Peter did when he water walked with Jesus!
Woohoo Elizabeth...you totally rocked this Challenge...congrats!
Awesome Elizabeth! Your layouts is just perfect!
Thank you so much for sharing your layout! Great work~
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