Describe a time you heard God's voice. He may have "spoke" to you through scripture, a sermon, another person, worship, on the radio, a church service, a dream, etc.
Did you know it was his voice you were hearing? Did you think it was just you thinking? How did you react?
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27
God can guide your thoughts by speaking directly to your heart and mind.
1. Hearing God's voice is a learned behavior. It takes some time and training to hear God's voice.
See 1 Samuel 3:4-10
2. God can speak to anyone.
3. God's voice has distinguishing characteristics.
He will always speak in ways consistent with his character
*if you have an anxious thought it is not from God.
We come to recognize God's promptings by:
- Focusing on God's attributes
- Learning from our personal experience
- Studying his voice in scripture
We can learn to recognize Gods voice by the way it affects our hearts. His voice...
- Will always be consistent with scripture.
- Will be consistent with who he made you to be.
- Will be consistent with love.
A simple question to ask: Is this action selfish or loving?
I used to really struggle with knowing if it was God or just me thinking. Two years ago when I started going to Intercessory prayer every Monday evening and really started spending tons of time in prayer...and taking time to stop and listen. Listening was something I had never really taken the time to do prior to those Monday night prayer meetings. I started deciphering the Holy Spirit from the other competing voices. I still have times when I wander if it is just me thinking or if it is really the Holy Spirit. Typically if I analyze a minute and it is a good thing that will bring God glory I just do it. Sometimes I can immediately tell that it had been from God because of the reaction that occurs.
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I love that the slide show is larger and more viewable!
These are amazing testimonies, thanks to our team for sharing such great work!
I cannot find it anywhere because I am probably not looking in the right place.. But can you tell me when the challenges will be posted by and when they are due each week? Thanks a bunch!
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