God clearly told me that He wants us to look at Faith this week. What is faith? Why do you believe what you believe? Faith as defined by Webster’s is “1. unquestioning belief that does not require proof or evidence. 2. Unquestioning belief in God.” If you want to read the Faith Hall of Fame, read Hebrews 11. These men and women completely trusted God without needing proof of anything. Jesus is the object of my faith. Who or what is the object of your faith? Use the resources to help you.
Week One Challenge Word: Faith
I used the spectacular January kit from Create My Keepsake to complete my Faith card for this week. And the scripture God had me use was Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” And I also used Galations 2:20 “I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."

Look through your Bible, look through devotionals, and see what God says about faith. Have fun creating your cards and pages. You have all week (or all year for that matter) to complete your cards and pages. Create as much as you are inspired to create. And be sure join in our discussion thread here in this thread on the Faith Sisters forum. Let us know when you finish creating too so we can take a peak! Have fun, and soak up everything He shows you this week! Blessings for a joyous and faith-filled week everyone!
You can now download a verse to print out for your card in our shop for free.
I am so excited to begin....thanks again for doing this!
love it patter!! Just what I really needed today.
As I was reading your entry guess what word came to mind before I got to see the actual word?? FAITH..God put that word in my heart too..I was thinking of FAITH as I altered my notebook too!! Thank you so much for hosting this challenge!
Fantastic way to start!! Faith is perfect! I look so forward to starting this challenge! Thanks Patter!
I'm so excited to get started and see what God does in our lives. Your card is beautiful.
OMW - God burdened my heart last week about faith and trust. Last week, I had been mulling in my head about a layout about what Mary's faith must have been like to bear the son of God and to trust the way she did. I was thinking of doing a layout about Mary saying YES and how I needed to learn to say YES in more aspects of my life ... notice, I said THINKING ... I hope that your challenge turns THINKING into scrapbook ACTION which then puts my thoughts into words ... which then holds me accountable. Thanks for the challenge.
What an amazing challenge...is it too late to join in?
It's never too late to join in!
What a beautiful card and what a great way to begin this challenge! Faith is perfect to start this challenge and I will be working on my card later on thie evening or tomorrow, I already have an idea which scripture to use....
Totally Awesome Patter! I can't wait to get going on these!
Wow, I like this site already!
I've posted week one challenge and as I was doing it you posted week two. I hope to do better and get it complete before your post week 3! This has already been a great blessing.
Hi, I've started on the challenge as well. I've already posted week 1 and 2. If you're curious, please feel free to visit my blog :), Puck
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