Week 41 Challenge Word: Humility
This week, I want us to look at humility. What is humility? Some people think of being humble as negative. They think you are putting yourself down or that you are inferior. True humility is all about God; it's not even about us! It means we are to think of God more and think of ourselves less. Being humble allows us to accept the fact that we ARE inadequate and that we need to completely put our trust in God to enable us. A definition of humility from one of my Bibles says, "Humility is standing before God, seeing our inadequacy in light of His sufficiency and recognizing our vast need of Him."
The world tells us we need to be confident in ourselves. The world tells us we are not to trust in others. We are to be confident and trust in ourselves. What makes you feel good about yourself? Is it having a big house, a fancy car, an important title, or knowing that you can teach that Bible study in your church because it is so easy? God doesn't usually call us to things that are easy. He doesn't want us to be self-sufficient. And we are not to be prideful but humble. We are to focus on Christ. Rely on Him. Praise Him. Give Him the glory!
Two great quotes I found this week are:
Thomas 'a Kempis says "The humble are always at peace; the proud are often envious and angry."
Max Lucado says "Practice humility not by putting yourself down but by building others up."
Are your prideful? Are you overconfident? Do you rely on "self" instead of God? Ask God to replace these things with humility. And better yet, serve others. Service helps us to trust in the Lord, and it humbles us.
For my card this week, I used the fun Create My Keepsake kit again. I didn't make it too fancy. I wanted to really focus on the word and scriptures this week.

For my scriptures, I chose:
Psalm 25:9 "He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way."
Philippians 2:3 "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but in humility consider other better than yourselves."
Enjoy your study, and I will see you next week! Blessings,

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