**God's attributes are what we know to be true about Him.
**His Word is His revelation of Himself to us.
**His attributes do not increase or diminish.
**They do not contradict each other.
**Praising God for His attributes gives us a high view of Him (seeing God as who He really is and ourselves as who we really are before Him).
**We can never know too much about Him.
**We need to know our Creator and base our lives on Him.
**Because of who He is and what He has done for us, God has a right to place a call or claim on our lives.
Also, I wanted to let you know what our keywords will be for both challenges. You will use the applicable keyword in any gallery where you post your work so that it will be easy for us to find your creations! These keywords will be used all year long.
His Holy Name Challenge: HHN09
Scripture Challenge: SCRC209
I hope you enjoyed Mrs. Nystrand's notes and that it gets you excited for January 4th. Please let me know if you have any questions, and be sure to join us in a few days! Blessings,

This sounds like a fun and worthwhile challenge! I've not really participated in any groups or challenges at FS before - just shop for digital items - so I might "get my feet wet" with this one -- might also join in the Scripture challenge, as well. Where do I sign up?
New Year's Blessings from Alaska!
-- kimB
I am going to give this challenge a try. How many weeks will it go for?
I can't wait to start. I love Studying the Names of God
You don't need to sign up to participate. You can just check the blog every other Sunday night for the update. Their will be challenges beginning Jan. 4th and running the entire year! Thus 26 weeks since it runs every other week! I pray you enjoy it! Glad to have you!
Thanks, Patter! I'll check back on Sunday :D
-- kimB
I cannot wait to get started! Sounds so wonderful :D
I am defintely getting in on this one! It does sound wonderful!
Here is mine:
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