Have you ever made a scrapbook page recording all the things you do in one day, week or month. I have made several and even an album that is such a treasure to look back on because so many thing change in our families lives in just a short few years.
This challenge is to record how you spend your Sunday.
- What are the things you doing this one day a week to keep the Sabbath day holy?
- What do you do personally to remember that this is the Lord Day?
The Sabbath was referred to in the Old Testament days as a blessed and hallowed day (see Ex. 20:11), as a symbol of a perpetual covenant of faithfulness (see Ex. 31:16), as a holy convocation (see Lev. 23:3), as a day of spiritual celebration (see Lev. 23:32).
Jesus reaffirmed the importance of the Sabbath day devotion, but he introduced a new spirit into this part of worship. (See Matt. 24:20.) Rather than observe the endless technicalities and prohibitions concerning what should and should not be done on the Lord’s day, he affirmed that it is lawful to do well on the Sabbath. ( See Matt. 12:12.) He taught us that “the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day” (Matt. 12:8) and introduced the principle that “the sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath” (Mark 2:27). He performed good deeds on the Sabbath, such as healing the man with palsy (see Mark 2:1-12) as well as the man with the paralyzed hand (see Matt. 12:10-13).
So the divine mandate of Sabbath day observance in our day is now more of a manifestation of individual devotion and commitment rather than a requirement of civil law. I look forward to Sunday’s so much! There were many years in my live when Sunday was just another day of the week. Now it means so much more…not only for the opportunity to attend church and get the spiritually recharged. A to slow down and count all our blessings. To have the quite time as a family, to visit loved ones and relax.
What are your favorite parts of Sunday?
Please post your projects for this challenge in our gallery here.
Layout by Co-Owner Karma

Layout By Creative Team Member JackieAnn

Layout by Creative Team Member Tammy

If you love to digital scrapbook, Eva has created this kit and template to help you!
You can find it in her shop here at Faith Sisters!

Download the Free Template Here!
Please post your projects for this challenge in our gallery here.
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