God’s Attribute: God is Eternal. He is El Olam. He has no beginning or end. The Life Application Study Bible defines eternal and everlasting as:
Eternal—“perpetual; forever; characterized by abiding fellowship with God.”
Everlasting—“perpetual or enduring through all time, see eternal.”
How does this affect my daily life? First, it truly is hard for us to understand an eternal God because everything we know has a beginning and an end. Think about it—our daily schedules, the time we go to church, birthdays, deaths, the time you go into the office and go home, holidays, the time you wake up, etc., etc., etc.—everything has a beginning and an end. But our God has no beginning or end. He is infinite. He is not limited by time or place, and He has worked and will continue to work His good purpose through the ages.
While it is hard to comprehend, it is also comforting. His love for us endures forever; it is an everlasting love. His plans are perfect, and they stand firm forever. Psalm 33:11 says "The plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations." He is also there supporting us at all times through the good and the bad. Deuteronomy 33:27a says “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms . . .” Oh that is so very comforting yet incomprehensible. He is forever with us comforting us, loving us, supporting us, leading us, etc. Amazing!
And as God is an eternal God, you too can have eternal life that is offered through Jesus Christ. We have all sinned and rebelled against our eternal God, and you will experience eternal suffering unless you are reconciled (made right) with God by asking for forgiveness and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Through Jesus Christ, you can have eternal life and fellowship with Him. If you have not accepted Him as your Lord and Savior, will you do that today? Feel free to e-mail me with questions. A.W. Tozer said “God’s eternity and man’s mortality join to persuade us that faith in Jesus Christ is not optional. For every man it must be Christ or eternal tragedy.” I pray you will accept Christ today and avoid eternal tragedy.
For my page today, I used two scriptures:
Psalm 90:2 "Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God."
Jeremiah 10:10 "But the LORD is the true God; He is the living God, the Eternal King."

Stamp Ink: Memento tuxedo black
Embellishments: Heidi Swapp lemonade stand chipboard alpha and journaling spots, Karen Foster Scrappers Floss white, Bo Bunny brad, Liquid Pearls white opal, Making Memories mini circle tag and tiny alpha stickers, Creative Imaginations buttons, Jillibean Soup bean seeds (felt flowers)
There were so many great scriptures to use, and I did search on both eternal and everlasting when I did my study. I hope that helps you as you study.
Remember to use the Keyword HHN09 when posting in the gallery. Blessings to each of you as you study. In Him,

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