God’s Attribute: The Lord Sanctifies You. He is our Jehovah-mekoddishkem.
How does this affect my daily life? Do you want to be conformed to His image? Do you want that above all things? If you are hungry to be more and more like Him, you will pray, read His word, go to church, and be filled with the ways and thoughts of God. Are you filled with His ways and thoughts daily? We certainly shouldn’t compare ourselves to others. God is our only standard of righteousness and holiness. He is our greatest example. Already this year, we have seen that He is Holy, He is Faithful, He is our Rock and will not be shaken, etc. We can develop some of these through sanctification. Sanctification in the believer is the process of spiritual maturity in holiness or conformity to the image of Christ. I encourage you to read Romans 6:1-23 and 8:1-17. It is the work of the Holy Spirit and is a divine work. We must cooperate in that work by being in prayer, in Bible study, involved in church, involved in the worship of God and serving Him, and trusting the Holy Spirit to change our character. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." I also encourage you to continue reading from Galatians 5:16-26, Ephesians 4:27-5:31, and Colossians 3:1-17.
In the book “Walking with Christ in the Details of Life,” Patrick Morley said “The holiness we are to exhibit is not our own but the holiness of Christ in us. We are not holy, and we will not become holy humans. Christ in us can manifest His holiness if we will yield our flesh to Him. This is not a human operation; it is a spiritual one. Jesus installs His holiness in us by grace. Not a once-for-all-time transaction; this is a daily, moment-by-moment striving to live more by the Spirit and less by the flesh. Becoming holy is a process which includes God’s part and our part. On one hand, our part is to stay out of God’s part—to yield, to surrender, to stop seeking God on our own terms. But our part is also to obey. It is to enter His rehabilitation program. We have no more power to make ourselves holy than a dying man has to save himself. We are weak and tired, and we cannot offer much help. However, we can submit to His rehabilitation program—sanctification. The key to our part is faith—to seek Him in obedience.”
How are you being conformed daily to His image? Will you follow Him completely starting today? How will you make Him the center focus of your life, and cooperate with the Holy Spirit in the process of sanctification?
For my page today, I used 6x6 papers by Webster's Pages. I chose the calendar because I want to remember that sanctification is a daily process.

Stamp Ink: Palette burnt umber
Embellishments: Bazzill bitty blossoms, Martha Stewart arch lattice punch, Scenic Route 'afterthoughts' rub-ons, KaiserCraft pearls, My Little Shoebox cream alpha stickers
The verses I used are:
Leviticus 20:26 “You are to be holy to me because I, the LORD, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own.”
John 17:17 “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.”
1 Thessalonians 5:23 “May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Remember to use Keyword HHN09 when posting in the gallery! I will see you again on October 25th with a new study. I pray that you will cooperate with Him each day in the process of sanctification so that you will become more and more like Him. Blessings,

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