Holding a grudge opens the door for the devil to enter your life and cause you to sin. Doing things that are unholy or watching things that are unholy can also open the door to the devil. Shut out the devil by quickly resolving your differences with others, and especially with your children. Confess your wrongs. Extend forgiveness, turn away from unholy things such as music, tv shows, etc. before the devil gets a foothold. Scripture: And do not make room for the devil. ~Ephesians 4:27Prayer: Mighty Lord, keep my children safe from giving the devil any opportunity to take up residency. Help them to always keep their guard up and only do holy things. Amen.
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by Tammy

by Kim

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I have a Christian married daughter and I am also a Christian. I said something a few day ago that came out as criticism to her, about a thing she was doing with her children. She quit speaking to me for a few days. I tried talking with her, but to no avail. I had been praying to an end to this between us. Usually we are close friends and talk all the time, and do things together.
I was feeling especially low today and i came across your blog....the scripture not giving way to the devil and then especially talking about your children, was as if God was speaking to me especially. I called her just now and we talked and I shared the verse and told her about how it spoke to me. We talked and everything is so much better now. Thank you for putting this verse up and thank you Lord for leading me to it and healing us. God is soooo good to us, even we don't deserve His goodness.
Were there going to be a few more of these? I thought there were going to be 20....I am so behind, I have just started doing mine! Thank you for this awesome and inspiring blog!
We will probably pick this challenge back up in 2011. Right now we are doing the "My Lifetime Story" challenges for all of 2010. I am glad you enjoy!
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