How does this affect my daily life? What is your constant enemy? Notice I didn’t say ‘who’ is your constant enemy? I think we can all say ‘the flesh’ is our biggest and constant enemy. In our flesh, we are jealous, fearful, angry, lustful, envious, depressed, etc. And when we are tired and overworked or when we have been called into a new ministry for Him, it is even easier to be attacked. As we face those challenges and changes in our life, rely on Jehovah-nissi. He will give you the strength. Walk with the Spirit and die to the flesh. And don’t surrender to Satan. Stand firm in Jehovah-nissi. You are not alone; look to Him.
Kay Arthur said “Under the banner of God, victory is always assured but apart from it, defeat is a certainty. Only by abiding under the power, the standard, the banner, the ensign of your Jehovah-nissi can you have victory over the flesh, the world, the devil, and your enemies and God’s.”
I don't have a page for you this week as we are still dealing with some things here but I wanted you to still have your study. :) The scriptures I personally loved for this week were:
Exodus 17:15 "Moses built an altar and called it The LORD is my Banner."
Psalm 60:4 "But for those who fear you, you have raised a banner to be unfurled against the bow."
Remember to use Keyword HHN09 when posting in the gallery! And remember not to deal with things in your own power. Give them to your Jehovah-nissi who will give you victory over the flesh, the world, and the devil. May the Lord fill you with His strength and cover you with His banner. In Him,

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