I am VERY excited to be one of the new designers here at Faith Sisters! And, I am also VERY EXCITED to be the hostess of this brand new monthly challenge! As the name suggests, this will be a theme challenge! It may be a seasonal theme, it may be a holiday theme, it may be a Biblical theme…..it could be about anything! I guess it just depends what inspires me at the moment of my decision for the monthly theme! I want it to be FUN, and maybe we will be able to learn a few things along the way!
Our first challenge theme is “THANKFULNESS.” November is the month that we observe Thanksgiving here in the USA, but this is not a Thanksgiving Holiday challenge, necessarily. ALL of us have something to be THANKFUL for! God has blessed each of us with life, if nothing else! But, I know, like me, He has blessed you with so much more! Most of the things He has blessed us with, we take for granted! This will give us all a chance to take the time to think about how He has blessed us. 1Thessalonians 5:18 tells us, “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
You don’t have to do a layout, either! It could be something hybrid, like a card to someone you are thankful for. How about a card thanking someone for a kindness they have shown to you. How about making some scripture memory cards centered on the theme of THANKFULNESS! I hope these ideas have inspired you a bit! And, I can’t wait to see what you come up with! You will have to take a picture of your hybrid project and post it in the gallery.
Like most challenges, there are a few rules to follow:
1. At least 3 of your elements/papers used must be from CURRENT Faith Sister Designers to qualify for the free gift (see preview below) I will be giving away to those who are qualifying participants. You can use free product from the store, too!
2. You have the entire month to post your layout in the gallery here: THEME-A-MA-JIG GALLERY and also post a link in this forum thread so I will know you are finished with the current month challenge, and we can all give you some loving comments on your layout. The challenge will be closed at 12:00 MIDNIGHT, EST on the first day of the new month. I will PM a link to the prize to all those participants who qualify!
3. Last, but not least, LET’S HAVE FUN! :D
If at any time you have a question, please post it here in this forum. I will try to get back to you ASAP with an answer.
I am offering the following mini kit sampler free in my store here: Thankful Hearts FREE Sampler to use for this month’s challenge. It coordinates with my new kit, Thankful Hearts, which will be 50% off the entire month and is found here: Thankful Hearts Kit. And, the preview of the prize for those qualifying participants of this month’s challenge is below! Invite your friends to play along with us!
FREE Sampler to use for challenge:

Thankful Hearts Kit – 50% off through November, 2010:


Challenge Gift for Qualifying Participants (see above for qualifiers):

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