Providence 365 defined:
Providence \ˈprä-və-dən(t)s, -ˌden(t)s\
1 : a often capitalized : divine guidance or care
b capitalized : God conceived as the POWER sustaining and guiding human destiny
2: the quality or state of being provident
365 = Days in a year
365 = Days in a year
2011= A Full Year of His Blessings
Providence 365:
We are excited to introduce Providence 365 for the 2011 Calendar Year. Providence 365 is the opportunity to journey through the year, growing in your individual faith walk and discovering His blessings that surround you. Each Sunday, we will provide a Bible Verse – His Word - as your weekly prompt. From there, we encourage you to use that verse as your guide for the week. Reflect on the verse, open your eyes and use all of your senses to find how that verse is truly applicable in your own life. Grab your camera and capture a picture or two and create a layout as a tangible reminder of His Love and Providence.
Your layouts:
The options are unlimited. Simple & Clean, Shabby Chic, Grunge, the choice is yours. Each week’s layout may be unique or you may choose a single template to use throughout the year. Let this journey reflect your personal style. (If you digi-scrap, while certainly not required, we encourage you to use the wonderful papers and elements that Faith Sisters offers in our store)
The options are unlimited. Simple & Clean, Shabby Chic, Grunge, the choice is yours. Each week’s layout may be unique or you may choose a single template to use throughout the year. Let this journey reflect your personal style. (If you digi-scrap, while certainly not required, we encourage you to use the wonderful papers and elements that Faith Sisters offers in our store)
Your photographs:
Take at least one picture a week on this journey and use it on your layout. Some of you may choose to take a picture each day. Let the bible verse lead you throughout the week. Open your eyes to all of His blessings. His Hand is everywhere. We pray that our Bible Verse and prompt will guide you and allow you to see even the smallest of blessings in your life.
Your journaling:
Your layouts should again be reflective of you. Maybe you are gifted at the written word. Write away. Let the focus of your journey be in print with only one or two pictures. Perhaps you are a gifted photographer that has the eye to capture those perfect images that tell the ‘whole story’. In that case, you may choose to keep your journaling to a minimum.
A few Journaling Prompts to get you started:
• I saw God’s hand of Providence this week in:
• I was blessed this week by:
• Today, God blessed me with:
• We will share more ideas for journaling throughout the year.
There is no right or wrong. Providence 365 is your journey. Allow us to provide a starting point each week for personal reflection and the opportunity for you to open your eyes and see His Hand – His Providence in your life.
We encourage you to subscribe to the Providence 365 Forum for weekly updates. (forum and gallery will be available shortly) If you are an email subscriber to the Faith Sister Blog, you will receive an email update with the current week’s Bible Verse and Focus.
Throughout the year we will share a freebie or two with participants to use on your layouts. But even more than a freebie, our hope and prayer is that through Providence 365 you will grow in your walk and your faith while creating a legacy to pass on to others.
Your first Bible Verse prompt will be provided on Sunday, January 2nd . So the obvious question is, what about January 1st. Your layout for January 1st will be your cover page. Take a picture (or use a favorite photo) that shares a glimpse of where or how you see God’s hand in your life. Have fun with this layout.

Here is Pam's layout; "For me, I always feel closest to God when I am sitting on the shore; the roar of the ocean reflects His power; the gentle breeze is when He kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear, the solitude is my special time with Him. "

You may download our introductory Providence 365 word art as our freebie to you. Here (box.net) or Here (4Shared). Feel free to use this word art on your cover layout and throughout the year.
Post your cover layout (and future layouts) in our Providence 365 gallery at Faith Sisters.
The journey is yours – the blessings are His. His Providence.
Post your cover layout (and future layouts) in our Providence 365 gallery at Faith Sisters.
The journey is yours – the blessings are His. His Providence.
Barbara (Precepts and Promises) and Pam (by the Shore designs)
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [31 Dec 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
This is a great idea, thanks! I'm going to advertise it on my facebook page :o)
Thank you for this - am looking forward to starting!
Bernie x
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 2 post on Dec. 31, 2010. Thanks again.
This looks great, Pam!
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