The previous FDC challenge - {Remember This?} - was to create a layout about remembering the lessons or moments that had an impact on your faith whether it was something God had taught you or when you first realized the power of His love and grace upon your life or even times of difficulty that taught you to hold on to faith. Remember. I'd like to congratulate Theresa aka Scrapper_Smiles for her very thoughtful and inspiring layout about September 11th, a day that shook our country and to some of us, our faith. This is a day that should never be forgotten and when we reflect upon this tragic event, we can also remember the grace and compassion of God through countless humanitarians who helped restore NYC and extended their love and support to the families that suffered from their losses. So, THANK YOU Theresa for sharing this with us! Please leave her love and praise for her efforts in her gallery!
By Theresa aka * scrapper_smiles *

{ No Turning Back }
In the past, I've dealt with everything you can imagine that was ultimately going to destroy me even to the point of death. Yes, I know. Me? No way! But even I, can hardly believe that what I've experienced in the past really did happen. It seems so unreal to me now that I think of where I've been. It was a long, dark, winding road, but eventually I saw the light. I remember those dark moments of despair, the emptiness, the anger, the careless lifestyle, the search for true love only ending before they begin, just total confusion and blindness. I survived a car wreck, an overdose, an abusive boyfriend, a broken home, a shattered heart, and so much more all due to the abandonment or so I felt it was, by my deceased mother and my father who had given up his will to live and surrendered everything to drugs and alcohol. From child to young adult, were years wasted on things and people who literally brought me to a deep pit of darkness. And that is when Jesus came to save me. Sounds like a fairytale, but it's the truth and nothing can ever change it or take it away from me. Despite all the things in this world that may argue about the reality of Jesus, nothing will cause me to turn back on Him because only I know what He's done for me and how my life has been completely transformed by His love. The moment I received Him as my personal Lord and Savior, was the moment that I instantly gave up on smoking cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol, it was the moment that I began to shed all the bad habits that had me bound, it was the moment that I saw how precious life is to not waste it, it was the moment that I knew that I had so much to look forward to and soon enough, I was blessed with a wonderful husband and 2 beautiful children. Now, how can anyone tell me that Jesus is not real? How can I ever turn back to what I was before? I would not exchange my life now for anything in the world because I found the treasure of my heart. HE is so ALIVE and He is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow....
Challenge # 15 - I thought if we created a LO about a specific way of life or behavior in our past that God has delivered us from, it would be a great way to share our testimony with others about how God has the power to set anyone free from anything. You just never know if this LO will be used to reach someone out there who is struggling with the same thing and is in need of some encouragement and hope. So if you'd like, create a LO that will share what personal transformation took place in your life or lifestyle that you know was done only through the power and grace of God
*This challenge will definitely be something that I'm sure will cause you to ponder into the core of your heart. And if this isn't something you're ready to do then by all means, skip this one or return to it later when you feel comfortable. For me, I felt the Lord led me in this direction and also wanted to share with others the struggles I faced in my old life which only God was able to deliver me from. *
Faith Verses:
Isaiah 43:18 - "Forget the former things; Do not dwell in the past."
John 8:36 - "So if the Son set you free, you will be free indeed."
Philippians 3:13-14 - "Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Please upload your layout to the FDC gallery and also visit our forums to share your thoughts, comments, and questions if any. I look forward to being blessed by your inspiring layouts and THANK YOU SO MUCH, to everyone who has supported me and encouraged me to continue this ministry! And a SPECIAL THANK YOU to my awesome CT, you guys are the best!! Love you all and hope you all have a wonderful summer! :)
*Click on images for full credits*
By Dahlia Co

By Tammy

By Jackie Ann

By Rita S.

Hello. this morning I deleted some crafting sites that I felt were not meeting my spiritual needs. Soon as I did that, I found several sites by born again believers. Isn't God wonderful!! I'm not sure how to go about taking part in any of the challenges, but it will come to me. Before, my blog lacked direction, but now I feel inspired. Thank you all for being courageous enough not to hide your faith, and may you always be true to the Lord. God bless you.
With love in Christ,
So glad Pauline found us!
Dahlia - thank you for sharing part of your old self with us. I could totally relate. ALthough my layout witnesses to the change in my husband's life, there are things in my past I am not proud of - but like you I barely remember them as they are so much a part of a past life - the words in Isaiah really stand true for me!
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